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Brad Walmsley is a research scientist at the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), NSW DPIs joint venture with the University of New England (UNE). Brad is responsible for the R&D in breeding objectives and selection indexes for beef cattle including the continued development and support of industry application of the BreedObject technology. The BreedObject technology has been applied across all major beef breeds in Australia and internationally in some breeds. Brad is also the principal investigator in the Southern Multibreed project which is designed to deliver multi-breed reference data to facilitate the multi-breed genomic evaluation and is being conducted across NSW Department of Primary Industries research stations in partnership with Meat and Livestock Australiaand the University of New England. Brad originally joined NSW DPI in 2008 as a livestock research officer in the animal production unit. He had strong involvement in the phenotypic prediction and maternal productivity programs of the former Cooperative Research Center for Beef Genetic Technologies. His expertise in modelling animal production systems contributed to the development of the BeefSpecs decision support tool and subsequent developments (On-Farm Drafting tool, Feedlot Optimisation). Brad has also been involved in research for divergent selection for visual muscle score.